Saturday, May 23, 2020
Outliers Analysis - 1560 Words
Tyler Alford 7 December 2011 Prof. Smith Outliers Final Draft Outliers Final Draft In the book Outliers author Malcolm Greenwell talks about a variety of topics that deal with how success is obtained by individuals who are blessed to have many different opportunities. They range from a school designed for students to excel, to being financially wealthy, or even being in the right place at the right time. Many different types of examples of people who found success through opportunities laid out in front of them are discussed in Outliers. From a man who was Jewish and just happened to be born in a location where lawyers were scarce, to hockey players who were born just after the cut off dates, Gladwell describes types of advantages†¦show more content†¦He had a unique understanding of what it takes to be â€Å"big-time†that few adults every completely grasp. He talked to many pro scouts during his early years of high school and he was preparing to be drafted and continue his fast track to fame. Everything t hat Gladwell describes as keys to success Hamilton was provided. The only thing to keep him from this would end up being himself. Josh was drafted in the 1999 draft as the number one overall pick by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays and signed a $3.96 million dollar bonus straight out of high school (Hamilton, 187). He was playing ball and doing extremely well. He had his family support and was growing into quite the individual. Eventually, however, when a few incidents were placed upon him, he folded and turned to a terrible place to find happiness. He did things he never thought of doing before from drinking to smoking weed and eventually becoming a major crack addict. He got in with the wrong crowd and could not get out of the hold it had on him and was on his way to ruining everything. He spent all his money on drugs and alcohol and was very close to killing himself from the drugs he was taking. He had a family at the time and he distanced himself from them to a point where his wife wanted nothing to do with him. Life was falling apart for the once nationally renowned phenomena. It wasn’t until he was pushed to the brink that he began trying to get to rehab and fix his addictions. HeShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis on Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell571 Words  | 3 PagesIn Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers, he defines an outlier as someone who does something out of the ordinary or differently. The author is very credible and has a few awards for writing, â€Å"Outliers.†We should listen to Gladwell because some of his information is knowledgeable and can help with everyday life. His purpose is to teach us about the many rules that are being described in the book. The main intended audience would have to be the world and how he displays his values to millions of peopleRead MorePerformance Analysis Of Clustering Algorithms For Detecting Outliers1127 Words  | 5 Pages Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithms in Detecting Outliers Sairam1, Manikandan2, Sowndarya3 School of Computing, SASTRA University, Thanjavur Tamil Nadu, India. Abstract - This paper presents the analysis of Kmeans and K-Medians clustering algorithm in detecting outliers. Clustering is generally used in pattern recognition where if a user wants to search for some particular pattern, clustering reduces the searching load. The k-means clustering and kmedians clustering algorithm’sRead MoreOutliers Analysis Essay693 Words  | 3 PagesOUTLIERS The Story of Success Malcolm Gladwell As I read Outliers, an excellent book by Malcom Gladwell also author of the Tipping Point one of my favorite marketing books I couldn’t help being reminded of the movie Good Will Hunting. There is a particular scene in the movie where Matt Damon, playing a poor teen from Southern Boston confronts a wealthy MIT student. Damon tells him, â€Å"You were born on third base and you think you hit a triple.†In other words, we often over-attribute ourRead MoreWhy We Should Be Diligent About Checking For Our Outliers2421 Words  | 10 PagesAn outlier is an observation that lies an abnormal distance from other values in random sample from a population. Outliers are data values that are differ greatly from a majority of a set of data. The value that falls outside of an overall trend that a present in the data. Sometimes outliers can be caused by an error and other times outliers indicate the presence of a previously unknown phenomenon. Other reasons that we should feel t he need to be diligent about checking for our outliers is becauseRead MoreAnalysis Of Outliers By Malm Gladwell959 Words  | 4 PagesSUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT-OUTLIERS: PROMPT #1 â€Å"Outliers†by Malcom Gladwell is an inspirational analysis of success and aspects that encompass the meaning of outliers. Gladwell dives deep into stories and facts to explain success and failure in a serious but entertaining tone. In this novel Gladwell introduces and explains important points that strengthen his argument that success is the result of multiple factors in life. His main three points used to set the tone of his overall argument isRead MoreAnalysis Of The Fiction The Outliers 1629 Words  | 7 PagesGladwell most convincingly answers this question in his nonfiction story, â€Å"The Outliers†through forging his concrete argument through many different sources of credible evidence. On the other hand, in Epstein’s nonfiction text, â€Å"The Sport’s Gene†, taking the opposing side, he answers the question in a less efficient way than Gladwell making his argument on the unit’s essential question less convincing. In â€Å"The Outliers†, Gladwell’s claim is that one can control the ultimate outcome of what happensRead MoreSuccess And Success : Malcolm Gladwell s Outliers : The Story Of Success1843 Words  | 8 Pagesalmost imminent result of talent, effort, and hard work. Liberals, on the other hand, believe that even when people who work hard and are talented could sometimes fall when hard times are presented and associate that with luck. Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers: The Story of Success, argues that factors and circumstances are those that will determine the person’s success rather than then hard work and effort. Many people would disagree with Malcolm Gladwell. The way that Gladwell portrays luck throughoutRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Outliers 1189 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction The book Outliers has done justice to its definition. It has clearly defined how the story of successful people is different in terms of their struggle, their success and their motivation. This book has even compared the success stories of some very successful personalities. There is difference between successful people and extremely successful people. The book has focused on extremely successful people. The books focuses on how difficult is to achieve success and what are the milestonesRead MoreAnalysis Of Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell955 Words  | 4 PagesOutliers, written by Malcolm Gladwell, is about how a person becomes successful and analyzes the factors that cause the success. According to the author, success is the combination of talent, deliberate practice, family environment, opportunity, and practical intelligence. These factors are complementary and influence each other. However, among the many factors of success, the only thing that can be controlled is the deliberate practice. Therefore, in my view, success is due more to deliberate practiceRead MoreAnalysis Of The Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell866 Words  | 4 Pageseasier to formulate a claim based on facts rather than opinions. These are some of the skills that I began to develop in the first assignment on Arguing Ethically/Thinking Logically. This was based on Chapter one from Malcolm Gladwell’s book, The Outliers. This chapter was titled The Matthew Effect and the claim was that if you start out with the advantage of being born in the right place at the right time you will be on the path to success over someone that was not. This assignment did not showcase
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay on Communicate in a Business Environment - 866 Words
Reflective Account on Unit 204 – Communicate in a business environment Communication is all about spreading understanding so that people can connect and work or live better together. The way we communicate with others can greatly alter the relationships we have and techniques can be used to either deliberately create harmonious working or to put a spanner in the works. By fostering a common understanding and awareness the message you try to portray becomes ever clearer and you are more likely to gain support from others. Proper business communication is crucial to successful business practices. The way we communicate is changing how we do business and the purpose of business communication is to deliver the message of a particular†¦show more content†¦However, some forms of communication do not directly involve spoken or written language. Nonverbal communication (body language) consists of actions, gestures, and other aspects of physical appearance that combined with facial expressions can be powerful means of transmitting messages. At times, a persons body may be â€Å"talking†even as he or she maintains silence. And when people do speak, their bodies may sometimes say different things than their words convey. A mixed message occurs when a persons words communicate one message, while nonverbally; he or she is communicating something else. Within my job role, i have to communicate in different ways with many people. I send emails on a day to day basis to local committee chairmen’s and members of the borough councillors in the county to notify them of the road closures. I have to send letters out to the police service notifying them aswell. The language you use in these written communications is the key when speaking to members of the councils and the boroughs, as i would not want to be rude to them or for them to misunderstand what i am saying, so when i write out these emails and letter i try to get straight to the point so i don’t complicate things. An example of being able to communicate in writing is by email/letters. I send emails to local committee chairmen’s to inform of the road closures which will be happening. I have to address them as Councillor whoever they may be, out ofShow MoreRelatedUnit 222 Communicate In A Business Environment Essay955 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿COMMUNICATE IN A BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Candidate: Frances Chambers Workplace: Unit: - 222 Level: 2 Credit Value: 3 This statement demonstrates my knowledge and understanding of Learning Outcomes. Learning Outcome 1: Understand the purpose of planning communication 1.1 Explain why different communication methods are used in the business environment. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
A Balanced Approach Of Risk Management - 1793 Words
As a level 3 practitioner it is important to take a balanced approach to risk management so that children are able to learn and develop. Practitioners need to be aware of the risks, however â€Å"if the activity is well planned and organised, with thought given to possible risks, the likelihood of an accident or injury should be minimal†(Tassoni et al, 2010, p144). Practitioners working with children have a duty of care towards the children and must make sure that they are safe at all times. They should plan the play environment and activity which is safe for the child, but there also needs to be a balance between the risks a child is able take. Children should be allowed to take risk they think they are able to achieve with adult support but not too much intervention, If they are not allowed to take risk they will not be able to develop the skills required to deal with risks and make judgement about their own strengths and skills which may affect their development, self-este em and confidence. Avoiding risks and challenges may result in a very timid adult lacking in every day skills and abilities. Children can take risks in all different areas by following the seven areas of development which was introduced by the foundation phase, these areas are as follow:- ï‚ § Personal and Social Development, Well-being and Cultural Diversity ï‚ § Language, Literacy and Communication Skills ï‚ § Mathematical Development ï‚ § Welsh Language Development ï‚ § Knowledge and Understanding of the World ï‚ §Show MoreRelated4. 3 Evaluate Own Practice In Promoting A Balanced Approach To Risk Management717 Words  | 3 Pages 2.3 Explain the actions to take when health, safety and risk procedures and practises are not being complied with. The first thing I would do when noticing that a member of staff is not complying with health and safety procedure is to stop the dangerous practise right away. How I would then act would depend on what the person was doing. I may stop the individual and show them the correct way to complete the task in a safe way, explaining what I am doing and the reason that it is done this way.Read MoreZeus case study Essay1728 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Introduction This report is aim to analyse the benefits of risk-adjusted performance measurements to Zeus Asset Management. Zeus Asset Management is a fund management firm founded in 1968 in Atlanta by Tir Jerry Schneider. It serves both institutional and individual investors and with more than $1.7 million assets under management. The director of research, John Abbot, is considering adopting risk-adjusted approach in performance assessment. Zeus’s competitiveness analysis Zeus’s main competitorsRead MoreVolkswagen Do Brasil: Driving Strategy with the Balanced Scorecard1571 Words  | 7 PagesDeidra Zablocki MGMT 561-01 FA2012 T/R Cohort â€Å"Volkswagen do Brasil: Driving Strategy with the Balanced Scorecard†I. 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These intangible measures provide better focus on the organization’s long-termRead MoreZeus Asset Management1741 Words  | 7 Pagesthe belief that superior investment results can be achieved over many years by following a conservative, risk-averse, quality-oriented approach to investment management. In other words, the firm uses active approach to investment management, which means the primary job of portfolio managers is to deliver the best possible performance relative to the benchmark’s performance working within the risk and other constraints specified in the client’s mandate. In detail, the equity fund aims to seek long-termRead MoreWeek 81499 Words  | 6 Pagesthe four major types of strategic control? What are the pros and cons of each? 2. The balanced scoreboard approach has gained popularity in recent years. What is this approach and how does it integrate strategic and operational control? 3. Total quality management involves a continuous improvement approach. How is continuous improvement related to innovation? What is breakthrough innovation? What are the risks and rewards associated with innovation? 4. What is an entrepreneur? How is the entrepreneurRead MoreWeek 81530 Words  | 7 Pagesthe four major types of strategic control? What are the pros and cons of each? 2. The balanced scoreboard approach has gained popularity in recent years. What is this approach and how does it integrate strategic and operational control? 3. Total quality management involves a continuous improvement approach. How is continuous improvement related to innovation? What is breakthrough innovation? What are the risks and rewards associated with innovation? 4. What is an entrepreneur? How is the entrepreneurRead MoreBalanced Scorecard And Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence Program826 Words  | 4 PagesBalanced Scorecard and Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence Program Comparison Merriam Webster defines quality as a degree of excellence, or a distinguishing attribute. Managers strive for excellence in the workplace to improve customer satisfaction, increase the output in manufacturing while minimizing defects, as well as making the company more profitable. There are several different management systems or methodologies available for businesses to use, but the Balanced Scorecard and the MalcolmRead MoreStrategic Measurement Of The Balanced Scorecard905 Words  | 4 PagesThe balanced scorecard is a strategic measurement strategy used in business and government as a measurement tool. The balanced scorecard should reflect businesses plans and strategic goals. The balance scorecard â€Å"was originated by Drs. Robert Kaplan (Harvard Business School) and David Norton (n.n October 8th, 2015). Balanced scorecard is used by managers not only to measure performance but to align their goals and execute the visions and missions of any agency. The balanced score card includeRead MoreWhat Is Quality As A Degree Of Excellence?841 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent management systems or methodologies available for businesses to use, but the Balanced Scorecard and the Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence Program are the most common and widely used in the United States. The Balanced Scorecard Institute reports that in the 1950’s General Electric was the first to use the Balanced Scorecard approach, but it was not until the 1990’s when Dr. Robert Kaplan, a Harvard Business School professor, and Dr. David Norton officially titled it the Balanced Scorecard
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Monsieurs Departure - 853 Words
On Monsieur’s Departure This poem is one of the nicest poems, which was written by Queen Elizabeth I. Her poems, speeches and translations illustrate her political genius and her rhetorical ingenuity. The â€Å"On Monsieur’s departure†is a poem that talks about love. Queen Elizabeth I fell in love, but because of her position she couldn’t reveal her true feelings. She couldn’t decide what to do and at the end she was very frustrated because unfortunately she had to ignore her feelings because of who she was. â€Å"I grieve and dare not show my discontent, I love and yet I am forced to seem to hate†¦.†. The first two lines from the first stanza shows that the speaker of the poem confesses her feelings about the love she feels inside of her†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"For I am soft and made of melting snow;†Obviously she is not made of melting snow but she is using this metaphor to show us how vulnerable she is. She wants to express the effect of love. It is very obvious that in stanza 3 she is addressing to love itself. To the God of love, Cupid. Having read the poem I found that the poem, but mostly the third stanza is written in a frustrating tone because of the three last lines. â€Å"Let me or float or sink, be high or low. Or let me live with some more sweet content, Or die and so forget what love ere meant†. She can no longer bare the burden she carries around which follows her wherever she goes so she tells Cupid to either let her live with a sweet satisfaction or let her die so she could forget what love ever meant. She asks him to let her float, be high in other words be happy or sink, be low in other words to be sad. She can no longer stand the war that’s taking place inside her (her love against her position) so she express herself in the poem with a very frustrating tone. After the first reading I got the impression that the poem is written in a rigid time metrical rhyming pattern. In other words the first line in each stanza rhymes with the third line, and the second line rhymes with the fourth line, and the two last lines rhyme with each other. I think she uses this kind of rhyming pattern to emphasize her feelings and how strong they are. It is a very good way because I think it helps usShow MoreRelatedOn Monsieurs Departure1190 Words  | 5 PagesOn Monsieur s Departure, with its highly interpretive nature and use of strong themes and appropriate literary devices, expresses the inner turmoil of its author, Queen Elizabeth, to the reader. The basic concept of this 17th century poem is one of the divided passions of Queen Elizabeth. Elizabeth loved her country with fierce loyalty and control, but also had her own personal needs, and though it is not entirely certain as to whom this poem was referencing to, it is speculated to be about eitherRead More Comparing Love and Marriage in Canterbury Tales, Lanval, Faerie Queene, and Monsieurs Departure675 Words  | 3 PagesLove and Marriage in Canterbury Tales, Lanval, Faerie Queene, and Monsieurs Departure Medieval and Renaissance literature develops the concepts of love and marriage and records the evolution of the relation between them. In Chaucers Canterbury Tales, Christian love clashes with courtly love, as men and women grapple with such issues as which partner should rule in marriage, the proper, acceptable role of sex in marriage, and the importance of love as a basis for a successful marriage. WorksRead MoreEssay on Queen Elizabeth I in Love922 Words  | 4 PagesElizabeth declares herself the judge of a wager to see if a play can capture the essence of true love. In order to judge that wager accurately she has to have knowledge of love. Her love, and misery, is beautifully described in her poem On Monsieur’s Departure. In it she describes her love for the Duke and her misery in being forced to deny this love. I love and yet am forced to seem to hate, / I do, yet dare not say I ever meant†¦ She loves him passionately, but denies that love in order to protectRea d More Shakespeare In Love Essay example985 Words  | 4 Pages good, and safety whereof I will never shun to spend my life. (Elizabeth I 1028) Though she fulfills her promise, she endures heartbreak as the result. Unable to show her pain to her subjects, Elizabeth resorts to poetry. In her poem, On Monsieur’s Departure, which predates Romeo and Juliet, she resembles both Viola, and Shakespeare’s Juliet. Regarding Duke d’ Alencon, she writes, I am and not, I freeze and yet am burned, / Since from myself another self I turned. (Elizabeth I 1024) ClearlyRead Moreâ€Å"the Spirit of Renaissance and Elizabethan Era†5448 Words  | 22 PagesEnglish musicians of the time, and are often seen as being a part of the same artistic movement that inspired the above authors. Elizabeth herself, a product of Renaissance humanism trained by Roger Ascham, wrote occasional poems such as On Monsieur’s Departure at critical moments of her life. English Renaissance theatre English Renaissance theatre, also known as early modern English theatre, refers to the theatre of England, largely based in London, which occurred between the Reformation and the
The Political Effects of the Vietnam War on 1960’s Pop Culture Free Essays
string(56) " role in the evolution of the 1960’s pop culture\." Tie Die, JFK, The Beatles, Drugs, Peace, Love, Dr. Martin Luther King, Woodstock, Go-Go Boots, Civil Rights, and Vietnam. When we say any of these words we think of the 1960’s. We will write a custom essay sample on The Political Effects of the Vietnam War on 1960’s Pop Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now The 1960’s were a landmark in history remembered for effecting pop culture. What lead to such a dramatic change? In the 1950’s the style was scarves, poodle skirts, and letter sweaters. The popular music was about teenage boyfriends and girlfriends. Then there was the 1960’s. Could we have foreseen that people would wear mini skirts? Could we have foreseen that women would burn their bras in protest? Could we have foreseen that music would take a huge turn toward lyrics of peace, drugs, and mainly rock and roll? Probably not. What could have happened that would change American pop culture so much? There were many events that took place in the 1960’s that had an affect on American citizens. The death of John F. Kennedy surprised and upset many Americans. However, the Vietnam War had the most profound effect on American pop culture. The Vietnam War changed music, fashion, and overall attitudes. Because of the Vietnam War and the undertones of the civil rights movement, 1960’s pop culture significantly impacted our nation in a way that will be remembered for many years to come. 2Szymanski The Vietnam War still effects many people. Today, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome is commonly associated with veterans of the Vietnam War. (Berk 346) During the 1960’s there was an Anti-War movement that evolved from the Freedom of Speech Movement. This movement began on college campuses and spread cross-country. (Radical Times) The Antiwar Movement took place because people didn’t understand why American soldiers were in Vietnam. People wanted the soldiers brought home. The Freedom of Speech Movement easily converted to the Antiwar Movement because of the similarity. People felt that this was not right and the issue was of such great importance that it needed to be addressed. I feel that the Antiwar Movement was successful and important because it did bring a lot of change to the nation. This change was both political and pop cultural. The Freedom of Speech Movement had limited success. In fact, the Antiwar Movement as well as the protests had a large effect on the endi ng of the Vietnam war. (Radical Times) In conjunction with the Antiwar Movement was the Civil Rights Movement. This event is commonly associated with Dr. Martin Luther King. However, the movement initially began with Rosa Parks and her ability to stand up for what she wanted, a seat toward the front of the bus. (Radical Times) At the time of the Black Civil Rights Movement a group called the Black Panthers evolved. This group arose as a militant group of young black men led by H. Rap Brown who risked his life to register blacks to vote in 1966. (USA Today) The difference between these civil rights groups is that Martin Luther advocated power through non-violence, whereas the Black Panthers promoted violence as a means to gain political footholds. (USA Today) For the African 3Szymanski American race there was a lot of momentum gained in the 1960’s and there was a lot of ground made politically. The impact of these movements was phenomenal. The Antiwar Movement changed the dress, the music, and the style of nearly all college campuses in the United States. When a person would walk past a college dormitory there would be peace signs hung in windows. (Radical Times) The statement made was seen across America. A wonderful example of the effects of the Antiwar Movement on society is shown in Forrest Gump. There is a scene in which the audience sees an anti protest. The people there epitomize the effect that this had on pop culture. The clothes they wore and the music they listened to exemplifies the profound influence this had on the nation. The Civil Rights Movement is one that also made a lot of headway during the 1960’s. The assassination of Martin Luther King had a profound effect on the American Society. This event impacted all races. Martin Luther King stood for the feeling of that time. His emphasis on peace was one that effected the entire nation. (Carroll 173) Martin Luther King Jr. is a symbol of harmony, human understanding, tolerance, unity, justice and brotherhood-for every generation. (Albright) Now that we have explored some of the political events that took place in the 1960’s, we will explore some major changes in pop culture and how those relate to the political events in depth.The Antiwar Movement had a significant influence on the pop culture of the 1960’s. This effect was shown through both music and fashion. The term â€Å"flower children†emerged from the anti war protesters. (Radical Times) They stood for peace love and harmony. They were the first to make tie die and hip huggers extremely 4Szymanski popular. They also had a large influence on the â€Å"natural look†. Women without bras or makeup and men with long hair and grown out facial hair. Prior to the antiwar movement, appearance was valued when one was neat and cleanly. (Walley) The pop culture of the 1960’s was changed through the antiwar movement and one of the facets of pop culture changed was music. The following lyrics are from a popular song about the antiwar movement. â€Å"Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now.†(Forrest Gump) Popular artists such as the Beatles, Cat Stevens, and even the Righteous Brothers wrote music that inspired antiwar protesters and became associated with them. Further in this paper there will be information on Woodstock, a musical and historical event associated with the Anti War movement. The Antiwar Movement was not the only political event to have an effect on pop culture. Although the impact from the Antiwar Movement is seen the most the civil rights movement did have an important role in the evolution of the 1960’s pop culture. You read "The Political Effects of the Vietnam War on 1960’s Pop Culture" in category "Papers" The Black Civil Rights Movement did have an effect on American Society. The effect of this was not seen as much on pop culture, but it was there. The true effect is shown in the dramatic increase of popularity in rhythm and blues. Prior to rhythm and blues, jazz music was associated as â€Å"black music.†It wasn’t played very much on the radio. However, in the 1960’s more black artists emerged. The Black Civil Rights Movement heavily effected music. Toward the end of the 1960’s African American 5Szymanski styles emerged as popular. â€Å"Afros†were a common and popular hairstyle. (NetFirst) The music styles of Jimmy Hendrix as well as many other African American artists became known as legendary. ( Albeit, the civil rights movement and the political ground it gained, put African American styles of fashion and of music in the American pop culture arena. As touched on before, the effect of politics (namely the Vietnam War ) had a significant influence on the fashion of that time. A feeling of the need for freedom†¦of expression and speech swept over the nation. Because of this feeling, people expressed themselves not only through words of protest and actions of protest, but through their clothing. This was the countries way of expressing themselves without saying a word, but through what they wore. As shown in an analytic pop culture web site, â€Å"Fashion is never just about clothes, but attitude and expression as well. Up until about 1967, fashion had reflected a period of discover for youth; fun-loving, outrageous and colorful.†(Sixtiespopdiary. -fashion) So, what were these fashions that were about â€Å"attitude and expression?†Miniskirts (and even later micro skirts), caused moral outrage and were one of the first dramatic styles to come out in the 1960’s. Later, a sloppy look became popular with T-shirts and sandals. Skintight pants also became popular, even so as a unisex article. (Sixtiespopdiary-fashion) The world was changing as fast as the fashions. In a personal opinion, looking back on this time of a political whirlwind, fashion was just as confusing as the world was. In this subject having to with politics and society, Woodstock is able to show the political influence on pop culture in one single event. In a mere 3 days, 6Szymanski thousands of people and influential artists were able to almost spontaneously put on one of the most historically significant pop culture events ever. The hippie look was dominant. Rock and roll and music of expression were the dominant sounds. A feeling of freedom was dominant. In one event, the world expressed the feeling of an era. (Interview) Today, the world of pop culture hails this event by trying to repeat it. Much to the dismay of many, the event cannot be repeated. The later generation looks at the event and realizes that this event was one of expression without even knowing the political events of that time. The Woodstock Music and Art Fair in August of 1969 remain a legend even today. The spontaneous event captured a generation’s good feelings. Ironically, there were nearly as many Americans at Woodstock as there were in Vietnam. (Interview) Woodstock took place for 3 short days and there was a lot of rain. People didn’t care about the rain, food, or bathrooms. â€Å"No one wanted to let the essence or the aura go. Halfway through an era of bad news, in the middle of a horrible war, barely a year after the wrenching, terrifying assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy, an entire, desperately wished -for era of good feeling was compressed into a single place and time. That compression produced a corresponding intensity of wonder and delight.†(Interview) The reason for Woodstock is well understood. However, it amazes me that such a spontaneous event could have such an unbelievable turnout. 7Szymanski Jimi Hendrix was one of the most influential musicians associated with Woodstock. It was there that he played his rendition of the â€Å"Star Spangled Banner.†Jimi’s rendition was considered a brutal insult in its time. It was said that it sounded like a â€Å"blasted seizure of the national anthem.†(Interview) However, today Hendrix’s national anthem is popular. When Hendrix performed this there were approximately 30,000 people left at Woodstock. His performance was spontaneous. It was described as â€Å"†¦his great No to the war, to racism, to whatever you or he might think of and want gone. But then that discord shattered, and for more than four and half long, complex minutes Hendrix pursued each invisible crack in a vessel that had one been whole, feeling out and exploring and testing himself and the music against anguish, rage, fear, hate, love offered, and love refused. When he finished he had created an anthem that could never be summed up and that would never come to rest.†(Interview) In summary, because of the Vietnam War and the undertones of the civil rights movement, 1960’s pop culture significantly impacted our nation in a way that will be remembered for many years to come. Throughout the nineties, the hippie look became a popular style as a way of expressing ourselves. Popular artists have redone music from the sixties. For example, Natalie Merchant has recently redone the popular sixties hit â€Å"Peace Train.†The movie Forrest Gump, which is a summary of both the political and pop culture America in the sixties, won best picture in 1994. Even today, the sixties are a political and pop cultural landmark for the nation. Does this say that the sixties were a period of more turmoil and more change than other decades? Does this say that the fashion change more dramatically and rapidly than 8Szymanski other decades? Personally, I feel this decade did. From an outlook of a person who did not live during that time or during the time of many other decades, that decade stands out far above many others. Many political and pop culture figures are remembered and recognized by all ages today. In this era, the politics and pop culture overlap. To think that politics affected Americans so much that politics changed people’s perspectives is remarkable, even profound. The death of Kennedy and Martin Luther King had a devastating influence over an entire nation. Yet, everyone soon focused on that feeling of freedom and love. This roller coaster of emotions had a roller coaster of an affect. Has any other decade changed a nation so much and so fast? How to cite The Political Effects of the Vietnam War on 1960’s Pop Culture, Essays
Brand Community and Consumer Behavior †
Question: Discuss about the Brand Community and Consumer Behavior. Answer: Introduction The social network is said to be a community constitution that is made up of the individuals, the various organizations, interactions between the individuals and the dyadic attachments. The prospective of the social network gives a set of methods to analyze the arrangement of the complete social entities along with the explanation of the patterns that are seen in these structures. The marketing of the business of an organization on the social media helps to increase the awareness of the brand in the target market of the organization. The social networks are the fastest growing industry around the globe. To identify the advantages and the disadvantages of the use of the social networks in the business To elaborate on the literature review with stating the pros and cons of the usage of the social networks in business The scope of this project is the identification of the use of the social networks in business. The advantages and the disadvantages of using the social media for the promotion of the brand of the organization or the business have also been discussed. The social networks have become the new boundary for the businesses to apply the marketing policies. There are different types of social networks available nowadays. The most frequently used social media platforms are Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. The marketing and promotion of the business by social networks has its own advantages and disadvantages. The social network can be exploited for the information that it provides on the customer behavior with regard to the intention of the purchase. Research has further shown that the businesses should incorporate the social networking sites into their business representation or the promotional mix (Goh, Heng and Lin 2013). Defining social media The organization has to have an understanding of each aspect of the social networks for the promotion of the business online. The probability of the social network gives a set of schemes to analyze the arrangement of the entire social entities along with the rationalization of the patterns that are seen in these structures. The advertising of the business of an organization on the social media helps to enhance the knowledge of the brand in the target market of the organization (Aral and Walker 2012). The social networking sites are varied in nature. These can be operated from the laptops, desktops, mobile phones and tablets. The business organization is able to share their ideas, photographs, videos and other posts on the platform of the social networks. The social networks allow the organization to gather various participants, information and make the buying decisions. The CSM that is the Consumer Sentiment towards the Marketing is the feature that the researches of the organization require to measure how the customers recognize the marketing on social media. The concept of this CSM refers to the sentiments that the customers have for marketing and the market area. The perception of an individual human being of the total market area plays an important role in the utilization activities. The customer technology readiness refers to the inclination of the people to embrace and utilize the innovations in technology that required to attain the target of the business organization. The social network has the advancement to provide the platform for the business organization to interact and keep in touch with their customers. The marketers and the advertisers of the businesses utilize the social networking sites to reach their clients and provide the organization a new way to increase their growth. It is important for the business organization to be aware of the issues, which affect the attitudes and the motives of the customers. The customers are attracted and driven by the appealing factor of the brands that is organized by the respective company. The research examines the features of the social networking sites that affect the attitude and the intentions of the clients. The members on these social networking sites disclose their information on these social networking sites, which helps the business organizations receive information. The clients perceive the promotion and the advertising of the businesses in a different manner depending on the social networks that play a major role in determining the response of the clients. The social networks promote the approach from one customer to another, exploiting the customers to share their experiences and creation of a common knowledge on the products and the services offered by the business organization (Scott 2017). The social ne tworks also provide a direct channel of communication with the clients by the help of the business to customer approach. The responsiveness of the intention of the customers is important due to the provision of a deeper comprehension of what persuades the clients and the customers to create content about the brand. User Generated Content The social network provides a never-ending opportunity for communication between the clients, customers and the business organization. The user-generated content helps to produce a social currency for the promotion of the business of the organization and helps to define the brand. This user-generated content portrays the different forms f the media content that is available in the public without any cost and is created by the end users. Hence, the social currency is when the personalities share the brand information of the business organization about the brand. This social currency affects the performance of the business. The social capital is formed on an individual level and occurs in the association among the individuals. The connection of the individual can help to develop the brands of the businesses into an important part of the interactions of the clients and the customers through the help of social networks. The businesses should have a presence of their brand on the various social networks to increase the number of the client audience. According to the recent research the publicity to the electronic word of mouth messages, generate more amount of interest in the category of the product than the exposure to the information that is produced by the marketers. Nowadays the customers and the clients are knowledgeable about the products and the services that they consume. This is because of the internet that is the social network, which empowers them to gain the access to the information, which creates active co-producers of value (Heidemann, Klier and Probst 2012). The customers and the clients are the co-producers of the value, which provides the business organizations with a great amount of investment due to the increase in the brand awareness. This helps to signify the importance of the electronic word of mouth messages in the marketing community of today. The social network as Facebook helps the clients and the customers of the business organization to be the message senders and pass on the ads to their acquaintances and friends. It also enables them to connect to the advertisers and the promoters explicitly, comment on the advertisements, and then post those respective comments on the viral channels. The businesses are realizing a need for the creation of their own brand presence on the social network platform. This is done to stay informed and keep a track of the consumer generate content surrounding the brand and the marketing of the brand. The companies are not able to directly control the messages from one customer to the other customer, but they influence the conversations that the clients and the consumers participate surrounding the product and the services. Viral Advertising The viral advertising is a way by which the trader are promoting and marketing more information about the products and the services that are offered by the business organizations. The viral move towards the online advertising has an advantage due to the communication being targeted to an intended customer of the brand. The viral interaction affords the marketer to get a higher amount of the creative license through the message delivery standard, which is more personal and personalized in nature. This helps to increase the likelihood to reach the audience members. The viral advertising is an unpaid peer communiqu of provoking content that originates from a sponsor who is identified using the internet to convince or influence the addressees to pass the substance to the others (Zaglia 2013). This viral advertising differs from the user-generated content due to the identified sponsor who is associated with the advertisement thereby signifying the source of the advertisement and who has c reated it. The social media provides for a new arena for the brand marketing and the clients and the customers contribute to the communication of the brand, the business in an active manner, when the business organizations try to gain control of the marketing. The interaction and communication between the customers dominate the force of the distributing of the messages that are created by the advertisers. The main concept for the business organizations is to consider the responsiveness of the customers, which in turn will decide the promotion and the marketing strategies that are placed on the social networks. The mutual communication between the customer and the marketer will make it complicated to isolate the influence of the exposure of the advertisement (Diani 2013). This means that the focus of the evaluation of advertising will require shifting the focal point on the process and the outcome. It is important to measure the interaction of the customers with the advertisements that are displayed online by the businesses to create successful campaigns of marketing on the social network. The social media platforms allow the exposure of the business to the community at a lower cost than the traditional methods of marketing. The establishing of the business with the help of the social network platform helps to target the new customers and enables in making the brand more visible. The social networks also help to facilitate the two-way interaction and communication, which helps to improve the consumer service. This permits the business to attain new information about the customers of the respective business organization and modify the communications according to that knowledge. The main advantage of using the social networks for business is related to the cost. Most of the social media platforms are free of charge to access, creation of the profile and posting of the information. The audience voluntarily seeks information regarding the business and follows the page of the organization, which helps the company to reach its desired target market (Borgatti, Everett and Joh nson 2013). The click through rates and the pay-per-click type of advertisements on these social networking sites allow the reach to the accurate addressees. The person who comes across the post by the respective company spreads the news to more people within their own network. This allows the information to reach a huge number of audiences in a short period of time. The investment of the company in the social networks as a marketing tool enables the identification of the missing links that connect the company with the customers. The brand awareness of the product and the services of the respective organization through the social networks are increased. The social media advertising and marketing helps the validation of the brand. The presence of the business in the social networks informs the consumers about the activeness of the brand and focuses on the thriving communiqu with the customers. The marketing through the social networks helps to increase the customer loyalty. The recei ving of the quick response on the social media allows the consumer to the recommend the brand of the company to others. The social network is a powerful marketing tool but it is not free of the risks pertaining to it. The followers are liberated to post the comments on the social media platform that exposes the businesses to a possible negative publicity. The immediate response may reduce the damage that has been caused due to these comments but the obliteration of the criticism from the feed and the page if the business cannot be done. The hackers also pose a threat to the businesses that are there on the social networks. The attacker can invade the page and the feed of the company and share fake information that can go viral. The renowned businesses have been a victim to these attacks by the hackers (Kadushin 2012). Hence, the small businesses also require taking security precaution during the creation of passwords and sharing of information related to this with their personnel. The updating of the account on the social media consumes time and effort. The information is visible for a short period of time as the new posts replace the older posts. The presentation of the information if not available in the form of a conversation then there will be loss of followers. There are also other risks involved when using the social networks as the promotion tool in businesses. The unavailability of a clear marketing strategy on the social network may reduce the benefit of the business of the organization. The additional resource that may be required has to be managed by the presence of the business online. The social networks require daily monitoring. The real benefits may not be visible if the social networks are not managed in a proper manner. There also the risk of unsuitable behavior on the site that may cause harassment. There may also be leak of information, which is great risk. Conclusion Thereby this report serves the purpose of identifying the advantages and the disadvantages of the use of the social networks in the business. This report has also elaborated on the literature review with stating the pros and cons of the usage of the social networks in business. 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