Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Lack Of A Central Holocaust Memorial - 1621 Words
ecrying the lack of a central Holocaust memorial in Germany, a group of German citizens begins a decade-long campaign for a highly visible, national Memorial to Europe s Murdered Jews. The idea for the memorial is first proposed by journalist Lea Rosh and historian Eberhard Jaeckel who together had made a documentary about the deportation and mass murder of Europe s Jews between 1933 and 1945. November 1992 Key decisions The German government decides that the memorial should be devoted only to Jewish victims of the Holocaust and designates a prominent location in the center of the newly-unified city of Berlin: The five-acre site will lie due south of the Brandenburg Gate, which until 1989 had divided East and West Berlin. The site is also just a few steps from the buried remains of the bunker where Adolf Hitler committed suicide. Amidst the Berlin s tremendous construction boom (which garnered it the nickname Europe s Hong Kong), the monument is but one of many construction projects that anticipate the relocation of the German federal government from Bonn to Berlin by the year 2001 -- the same year that the monument is scheduled to be unveiled. November 1993 Another memorial is dedicated Germany dedicates one of its central monuments, the Neue Wache, or New Guard House, to the victims of war and tyranny. Inside is a classical statue of a woman cradling her grown, slain son, an enlargement of one of German Chancellor Helmut Kohl s favorite works. CriticsShow MoreRelatedThe Holocaust : A Profound Effect On Modern History Essay1688 Words  | 7 Pages Final Paper Dr. Holly Hurlburt Holocaust Memorial The Holocaust had a profound effect on modern history. Millions of European Jews lost their lives during this brutal extermination period. 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King David secured the beginnings of a prosperousRead MoreEssay on Informative Speech713 Words  | 3 PagesI was given the opportunity to volunteer as a tour guide at the National Holocaust Museum. a. Part of a new exhibit that was opened at my time there was a â€Å"Never Again†exhibit that shines lights on current genocides. b. What is Genocide? Genocide is a term to describe the mass killings of one specific group of people based on religious or political backgrounds. (â€Å"What is genocide†) c. After the horrors of the Holocaust were known, the world said â€Å"never again†will such tragedies happen. dRead MoreAnselm Kiefer Was A German Artist Who Was Born Directly After World War II1009 Words  | 5 Pagesreconciliation with the shame and horror surrounding the holocaust, aimed aimed to redefine what it meant to be German in a â€Å"post-Nazi World (Smith).†The piece I studied is located at the MoMa in San Francisco and is entitled â€Å"Shulamite†. â€Å"Shulamite†is a historical painting of a Nazi Memorial Site, which Kiefer created it in 1983. In this painting, Kiefer transformed the architecture of a site which was meant to honor Nazi heroes into a memorial for their victims. Kiefer uses some very interestingRead MoreThe Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe2474 Words  | 10 PagesThe Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, also known as the Holocaust Memorial, is a monument in Berlin to commemorate the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. 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These brief summaries can help readers decide if the article is worth reading or if addresses the research question, not just the topic, one is investigating. The Holocaust Era:Read MoreGenocide Today : Are We Destined For Repeat This Dark Pattern?1881 Words  | 8 PagesTomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families: Stories from Rwanda. His book detailed the events, timelines and interventions of neighboring countries, the international community and the United States were laid bare for all the world to see. Unlike the Holocaust where the world was angered and acted, with Rwanda, the world simply stood back and watched as 800,000 people were killed in a span of 3 months. Philip Gourevitch, a writer on the New Yorker with no previous experience in Africa, has written a bookRead MoreJewish Migration And The Holocaust2907 Words  | 12 Pagesresearching texts written about Jewish Diaspora, I came across many documentary publications on Holocaust. This tragic part of Jewish history is very well documented as opposite to the Jewish Migration. I found few authors who published articles and books on Impacts of the Holocaust on Jewish Migration. My goal in this research paper is to explore the topic of Jewish Migration by connecting it to the Holocaust. To achieve this goal, I have organized my paper in the chronological order. I have tried to
Monday, December 16, 2019
Marketing Brand Strategy Free Essays
Decide if you would like to brand your product or service. Then identify three products or services in your industry that have a logo or slogan. After which, either develop a logo or slogan that will identify your product or service or explain why branding is not the best marketing plan. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Brand Strategy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then write a marketing memo to the advertising division of your company rationalizing your choice. Evaluation Criteria: Have you included all the required elements? Have you identified the environmental factors and described their influence appropriately in the given situation? Please use the textbook – Marketing Management 12E by Kotler Keller and other sources. If you are using sources other than the text, you must provide complete citations. Is the paper professionally presented? Remember your audience – senior management at your company. It is important to present your information as clearly and succinctly as possible. Please read the instructions carefully. Please make sure that 1 of the 3 references that you are using is my text book – Marketing My product brand : â€Å"Smiley ulcer-guard toothpaste†, Company: Teethal Slogan : Guardian in disguise –  forever with a smile [ which implies that this above mentioned toothpaste prevents from the oral infection of ulcers which shadows a face with grin and no smile for a long period. ] Logo: A smile embedded in a circle Three products in the industry having logo or slogan are as follows – 1. HLL’s Close-Up 2. Proctor and Gamble’s Pepsodent 3. Colgate Palmolive’s Colgate Why banding is not the best marketing plan? Strategic planning is a process which gives a detailed understanding of the growth and provides a futuristic view of a business enterprise. Careful study of the strategic planning helps in scrutinizing and developing a steady marketing plan for a product line or a brand. Every marketing plan should involve a thorough analysis of the external and internal environment. If the environment is stable, most of the activities will be predictable and convenient for the organization. But in today’s scenario, the environment is changing faster and faster which leads to discontinuity with the past. The environmental survey is the cornerstone to every marketing plan. The various macro environmental factors like political, social, economical, technological, natural and legal environment imbibe a sense of competitive advantage over other competitors. In the course of studying and analyzing the marketing plan, marketers also identify the brand power of the product lines existing in that firm, which speaks about the positioning and differentiation of the products. Branding is a process of developing a differentiated product which is positioned in the minds of the consumers as a brand by way of its logo and slogan. Branding is just one strategy in the whole of the marketing strategy of the marketing plan. If Branding is studied without looking over the marketing plan, then the outcome would be disastrous as branding is a subset of the marketing strategy which in turn is a subset of the marketing plan which is a subset of strategic planning. Hence it is said that branding need not be the best marketing plan. If a marketing plan is properly carried out, it satisfies the process of branding too (Batra et al 1999, Kotler, 2001, Ramaswamy et al;, 2004). Marketing Memo to the Advertising firm: Lintas My organization â€Å"Teethal†deals with the manufacture of varied products of toothpaste. Recently a new product is been manufactured named – Smiley ulcer-guard toothpaste, which has a unique differentiating factor of overcoming the worst oral infection caused by ulcers. I have carried out a detailed learning of this product which is branded by taking into consideration the environmental factors like consumer and demand for the product, industry competition, technology and social environment which plays a major role. The following specification needs attention while carrying out the advertising plan (Batra et al, 1999 Gilbert, 2003). Product Specifications: Attributes of the brand: long lasting fresh breath, ulcer protection, economical Personality of the brand– always charming and vibrant Benefits of the brand – All the attributes provide a functional benefit â€Å"I won’t have to worry about my oral protection†. The attribute economical translates into an emotional benefit which makes the user feel important for maintaining value-for-money. Values of the brand – The brand also says something about the manufacturers’ values – hygienic and effective and powerful. User of the product: all age group. Strongly advisable for teenagers who have bad eating habits and executives working under stress. Pricing:  Although the product is very much effective for every user, the price is economical to encourage the masses to buy the product and avail the benefit of its healing touch. 200 gm toothpaste is priced at US Dollars 3. Promotion: The product could be initially advertised in the urban cities on Television, in metros on FM radios and in the rural places on TV cables [just a suggestion] Distribution: The product is a convenience product and hence will be sold at every local convenient store. Intensive distribution mode will be adopted to enhance its usage and improve its beneficial value. Based on the above requirements, kindly prepare the advertising budget to bring out the clarity of this advertising campaign so as to provide the necessary resources. Also provide us with your study carried out with regards to the internal differences between the advertising plans which arise from the differences in the external factors and the environmental situations which the advertisers face (Batra et al 1999, Kotler, 2001, Ramaswamy et al;, 2004). References – Batra, R., Myers, J. G., and Aaker, D. A. (1999), Advertising Management, 5th ed, New Delhi: Prentice. Gilbert, D. (2003), Retail Marketing Management, New Delhi: Pearson. Kotler, P. (2001), Marketing Management, Millenium ed, New Delhi: Prentice. Ramaswamy, V. S. and Namakumari, S. (2004), Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation and Control, 3rd ed, Delhi: Macmillan.   How to cite Marketing Brand Strategy, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Change over Time Renaissance free essay sample
Because of the Middle ages and the crusades, the Renaissance and the humanistic art and literature and the Protestant Reformation and the splitting of the Catholic Church. Those three ages brought upon important historical events which we all know and study. The Middle Ages and the crusades where first and then came the Renaissance with humanistic art and then the Protestant Reformation and the splitting of the Catholic Church. Middle Ages were one of the most destructive and important times in our history with the bubonic plague and the crusades. The bubonic plague was the cause of invading and unhealthy living when mice and small fleas from a town where transported on to boat with survivors and brought to Europe. It came into Europe because of Mongol invaders, and it killed over 100 million of the world’s population. The crusades began their â€Å"heavenly war†because of Pope urban urging the English and all his subjects to go out to war and recapture the holy land. We will write a custom essay sample on Change over Time Renaissance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page - Around the 1400’s after all the crusades and plague had gone by, the kings work had been done so his subjects were at peace and feudalism was through, so the cultural movement of middle ages(salvation) was gone and was replaced by a new artistic movement called Humanism. Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most fascinating people of the 14th century as he was not only an artist but an inventor, a scientist, an engineer and a botanist among other things, he would often praise the human intellect to achieve things( as was the theme for this time period). Galileo Galilei is also fascinating as he is the first scientist to say the earth revolves around the sun, thus â€Å"defying†the word of god, which no one in the time of the Middle Ages would do as they wanted and believed that they had to work to get to heaven and never blaspheme the word of god. - - - - The protestant reformation was a reforming act that was led by Martin Luther and many other early Protestants who thought that you should go to heaven for your acts and not by working towards it unlike the past two ages. The ninety-five theses were written by Martin Luther and were 95 ideas on how to change the Christian church to make it sacred and unsecular again. Since the church only made slight changes to their rules, Martin Luther and his followers created protestism, If it was in the Middle Ages, Martin luther would’ve been slain, and if in the Renaissance he would have been shunned. - As These passages tell you there where major changes in Europe have shaped the way the world is today. The Middle ages , the Reniassance and the protestant reformation all made the world different . The crusades, humanistic art and ninety five theses are very important. -
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